COVID-19 Resource Page

DeKalb Central Schools' COVID-19 Resource Page
We are committed to continuing to work with our community partners to ensure educators, staff, parents, and students have the support they need during this unprecedented time. 
Due to the rapid decline in Covid-19 cases, the Indiana Department of Health has announced the following changes in Covid-19 guidance for K-12 schools, effective February 23.
Schools no longer will be required to conduct contact tracing or report positive cases to the Indiana Department of Health.
Schools no longer will need to quarantine students who are exposed to a positive Covid-19 case, regardless of vaccination status or whether the school requires masks. 
Individuals who test positive for Covid-19 should isolate for five days and may return on Day 6 if they have been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of medication so long as symptoms are improving, according to guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 
We will continue to post valuable information for our students, staff, and families here.  Please view the below links for further information.