Chromebooks, Mifi's & Information » Chromebook Buyout Information

Chromebook Buyout Information

Why are these devices being offered to parents?

As you may know, the district’s electronic devices have a limited lifespan or life cycle. This does not mean that the device is no longer useable, but rather it is no longer financially reasonable to continue supporting these devices due to the cost of support and repairs. When school devices reach the end of their life cycle, districts often offer them to electronics recyclers or resellers in an attempt to reclaim any remaining value the devices may have.

We feel there is a better option that benefits our community. Instead, we wanted to take the opportunity to offer them to the parents who have invested their hard-earned money into these devices.


Who is eligible to keep their device?

Students leaving 4th and 8th Grades and Graduating Seniors. Chromebooks reach the end of their life cycle for the district after 4 years of use. The devices typically have another year of use left in them; hence, we are offering them to the students.


In order to be eligible to keep the device:

  • The device is 4 years old.
  • The student is of a grade defined in this section.
  • Repair Fees balance is zero.
Having Chromebook Protection Insurance helps keep this at a zero balance


Note: Early graduating students who are juniors are not eligible to keep their devices since device is less than 4 years old. Early graduating 7th semester students are considered to have meet the 4 year old criterion.


What’s the process to keep the Chromebook?

1. Save my school files from Google Drive

  1. Go to while signed in to your account
  2. Click Deselect All
  3. Select the products you want to copy (Drive, Mail, Chrome, etc.), then click Next step
  4. In the Delivery method section, you will have several options to choose from:
    • Send download link via email
    • Add to Drive
    • Add to Dropbox
    • Add to OneDrive
    • Add to Box
  5. Select Export once
  6. Leave File type & size options at the default values
  7. Click Create Export
  8. Depending on how much data you are requesting a copy of, this process may take up to a day if you have a lot of files.

Once you have a copy of these files, be sure to save them to a personal device, USB drive, or a personal Google account.

Seniors, you will not have access to your accounts after June 30th.


2. After the first full week in June/January, Power Cycle the Device

In June, Tech will begin removing student devices from the network. When yours has been removed, it'll be forced to reboot where DeKalb Central's policies will be removed and the device restored to factory settings. Upon completion, the device will be your property and responsibility. This process should be completed by the middle of the month.


It didn't reboot on its own.

1. Plug the device in.

2. Wait for the "Google" in white letters to pop up.

3. Press and hold for a second or two: ESC+REFRESH+POWER.

4. For Gen 4 devices, select 'Recover with Internal Storage'.


Not interested in keeping your device?

Please return your device to your school. 

If I keep this device, can we use it next year instead of paying for a different device?

No. Unfortunately, the device has reached the end of its life, we can’t guarantee that it will be compatible with IDOE testing software and other curriculum that is regularly used by the district.


How long will this device be good for?

We estimate the Chromebooks to have approximately 1 or 3, on the gen 4 models, functional years left on it depending on the condition of the device and how it’s being utilized.


Can I install apps on this Chromebook?

Absolutely. In addition to browsing the web, there are over ten thousand apps and extensions available through the Chrome Web store.